Monday, May 10, 2010

I got in my first magazine

Bridgeburg Golf has been a proud sponsor of the Florida Golf Open for a couple of years now. This annual tourney was founded by Joe Stine, the owner of the Florida Golf Magazine.

The tournament was held at the beautiful kissimmee Bay CC in Kissimmee Florida.

It was a real hot Florida summer day, well not so bad in the club house where I should have stayed and not so bad for the locals but for Canadian me it was sweltering.

As I had never played Kissimmee Bay CC before Joe asked me if I wanted to play a round with him, not as part of the tourney of course but just a friendly match between us. So after the final pairing went out so did we. I was keeping up ok for the first few hole but then the sun and heat started to get to me. Hydration was a serious concern so we kept the beer, excuse me the refreshment cart cutie near us at all times.
A few more holes later I stopped aiming for the fairways and started aiming for the shaded spots. I must say Joe and the other locals were getting a good laugh out of it. I was starting to feel a little heat stoke coming on so I finished the 12th hole and retired to the club house to recover.

While rehydrating back at the club house on the patio I met Fred and Wilma. They are a couple that have made Kissimmee Bay CC their home for the past few years. I'm not sure what kind of birds they are so if anyone knows please comment. They are a very socialable and alarmingly friendly couple. They will join your table for a drink if you seen their type and if your buying. The staff also lets them in the club house for drinks and snacks.

I had to snap a couple of picture. One is when I first met Fred & Wilma and the other is of Wilma fixing herself up while waiting for a table in the club house.

It was just before the award banquet when I was asked to present the winner their trophy.
Sun burnt and a huge headache (not as a result of the rehydration process either I might add) I agreed to it. It wasn't until I got a call back in Canada from a customer commenting on my picture in the magazine that I even knew of the picture.

Although I have made a couple of TV appearences with the Turf Chopper and am not thrilled with the picture it's still my first magazine spot.
Thanks Joe!

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