Tuesday, July 21, 2009

15 Photos of Hot women on Turf Choppers golf carts at the 2008 PGA golf show in Orlando Florida.

I have been many places and met many wonderful people but this post is a sample of some Lovely women that I have met and become friends with at a few trade shows and events.

  • This beautiful woman almost drove through the show booth next door just 2 minutes before this photo. I did catch her tho :-)

  • This beauty is GiGi Foy an international model. What a cool girl. Beauty and brains. It was cool hanging out with her in Orlando

  • I got tired of taking all the Hot women photos and wanted to get in at leased one.

  • Here are some of the CaddyChicks in Orlando

  • This pretty young woman wanted a picture with me and my Turf Chopper at the riday the 13th bike rally at Port Dover. She sent me this one.

  • I love New York. Had a great time. I'm looking forward to going back. Met so many cool girls.

  • This booth had all kinds of Hot women working it. This was on the last day of the show and most of them had left, I was disapointed.

  • One of two marketing executives bidding on our contract.

  • These two exibitor at the Buffalo golf show had a race around the convention centre and Cindy the cutie won hands down.

  • This was outside Penn Station in New York City.

  • I think this was at the NY City golf show at Madison Square Gardens.

  • This is Maradith, we first met her at the Buffalo NY golf show.

  • These two asked me to take a picture of them with the Turf Chopper, not sure why but whatever.


Anonymous said...

Very nice. You job looks so tuff! Are you hiring??

Partrick White said...

Wow. I seen you Turf Choppers at bike week in Daytona. I took some pictures and will send them to you if you like??